06 Apr CrossFit WOD, April 7, 2018
04/07/2018MetconMetcon (Time)Teams of 3 For Time: 600 Meter Run 6 Rope Climbs 20 Squat Cleans (135/93) 600 Meter Run 9 Rope Climbs 35 Squat Cleans (135/93) 600 Meter Run 12 Rope Climbs 50 Squat Cleans (135/93) ...
04/07/2018MetconMetcon (Time)Teams of 3 For Time: 600 Meter Run 6 Rope Climbs 20 Squat Cleans (135/93) 600 Meter Run 9 Rope Climbs 35 Squat Cleans (135/93) 600 Meter Run 12 Rope Climbs 50 Squat Cleans (135/93) ...
04/06/2018WeightliftingBack Squat (Weight)Back Squat 8 @ 50% 6 @ 60% 4 @ 70% 8 @ 60% 6 @ 70% 4 @ 80% MetconMetcon (Time)3 Rounds of 20/15 Cal Row 15 DL (155/103)(225/155) 10 HSPU (strict ) ...
04/05/2018WeightliftingHigh Hang Snatch x1 Hang Snatch x1 OHS x1 (Weight)Every 2:30 for 7 sets. High Hang Snatch Hang Snatch OHS building MetconMetcon (Weight)18 Minute EMOM Min 1 5 OSH (95/63) + 5 CTB Pull Ups Min 2 8/5 Cals on the AB Min 3 12 KB Swings...
04/04/2018MetconMetcon (5 Rounds for reps)Every 8 minutes, for 40 minutes (5 sets), for times: 50 Double-Unders 15 Push Presses (115/75 lbs) 15 Back Squats (115/75 lbs) 500 Meter Row ** Note how long each round takes. Scale reps if you are not getting rest!!!...
04/03/2018WeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Three sets of: Single-Leg Deadlift x 6-8 reps each leg Rest 60 seconds barbell glute ham bridges (Weight)Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps Rest 60 seconds Plank Hold (Max reps)Side Plank x 45 seconds each side Rest 60 seconds MetconMetcon (Time)For time 100 Thrusters (95/63) EMOM stop and perform 5 burpees 20...
04/02/2018WeightliftingClean (Weight)Clean 1.1.1 Every 2:30 for 7 sets building to a heavy triple MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 40 Double-Unders 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs) 10 Toes to Bar ...
03/31/2018MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)n teams of three, with only one member working at each station at any one time, perform as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of: Station 1 – 300 Meter Row Station 2 – 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Station 3 –...
03/30/2018WeightliftingPower Snatch x1 OHS x 2 (Weight)Power Snatch x1 OHS x 2 Every 2 minutes for 8 sets building MetconMetcon (Time)3 rounds for time 18/15 Cal Row 10 Thrusters (135*93) 5 Bar MU ...
03/29/2018Gymnastics15 Min EMOM Min 1 30 sec nose to wall hs hold Min 2 5 strict ttb (scale to 10 if possible ) Min 3 5 stict -pull ups MetconMetcon (Time)4 Rounds 9 Power Cleans (155/103) adv 185/123 12 Pistols 50 Dubs ...
So our Member Spotlight was dimmed February due to our website being redesigned. But it’s back with a double dose of awesomeness for March. Ladies and Gents, March’s co-members of the month are none other than those two blond beauties, Ashley Booth and Cory Amenta. Cory...