
11/16/2018Warm-upAt a slow/consistent pace: 10-8-6-4-2 Air Squats Squat Thrusts Hollow Rocks Then, Grab a band and complete 50 Banded Pulldowns 50 Banded Pushdowns Spend 10 Minutes on Reviewing Pull-up and Push-up scaling MetconCindy (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 SquatsCindy (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20-Minute AMRAP of: 5...

11/15/2018Warm-upGrab a band and complete: 2 Rounds of: 10 Walking Lunges 10 Banded Goodmornings 10 Green Band Walks Left 10 Green Band Walks Right Then, proceed to get barbells out and review squat cleans.WeightliftingSquat Clean (Weight) 3 x 2 @80% of Last Monday, every 60s. – reset between all repsSquat Clean (Weight)3 x...

11/14/2018Warm-upHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back 5 Inch Worm with Push up Leg Swings 10 front to back 10 side to side 30 Banded Pull Aparts Then 3 Rounds 3 Hang Muscle Cleans 3 Hang Power...

11/13/2018Warm-up--10 Yoga Push-ups – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Scorpions – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Reveres Lunges in place – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Yoga Push-ups Review – DB Bench Press, 1-Arm KB Rows, DB OH Carries, Russian Twists w. plate, DB Hammer Curls performing 10 reps with...

11/12/2018Warm-upGet all equipment ie. barbell, box perform AMRAP 8 of: 5 Deadlifts 5 Thrusters 10 Alt. Step-ups 100m RunAndy (Time)For time, wearing a 20-lb. vest: 25 thrusters, 115 lb. 50 box jumps, 24 in. 75 deadlifts, 115 lb. 1.5-mile run 75 deadlifts, 115 lb. 50 box jumps, 24 in. 25 thrusters, 115 lb. U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class...

11/10/2018Warm-upAbmat Pizza Game x 6 Minutes *For each drop complete: 5 Air Squats 5 Push-ups 5 Hollow Rocks Then, Review Hang Power Clean + S20H T2BMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)In teams of 2 with a running clock: AMRAP 0:00-15:00 10 Hang Power Cleans + Jerk (135, 93) 20 Push-ups 30 T2B 40 Air Squats 50 Calorie RowMetcon...

11/09/2018Warm-up10 Yoga Push-ups – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Scorpions – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Reveres Lunges in place – 15 Slow Banded Pull-aparts – 10 Yoga Push-ups – Put band on pull-up and complete 45 Banded Pushdowns in as few of sets as possible.WeightliftingBench Press (Weight) Close Grip...

11/08/2018Warm-upAMRAP 7: 10 Green Band Walks Left + Right 10 Banded Goodmornings 10 RDLs w. an empty barbell 10 WallballsWeightliftingSquat Clean (Weight)Squat Clean: 8 x 2 @75% of Monday, every 90s. – reset between all repsWarm-upMetcon Prep: Touch n Go Deadlift building to Metcon weight performing sets of 2-3 reps....

11/07/2018Warm-upFoam Roll for 3 mInutes Then PVC Game: 1 st Drop = 5 Burpees 2nd Drop = 10 walking lunge steps 3rd Drop = 10 Hollow Rocks 4th Drop = 5 Bupees MetconMetcon (Time)Every 4:00 x 4 Sets: Run 400 Meters 12 BB Front Rack Alternating Step-ups (24, 20)...

11/06/2018Warm-upHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Leg Swings 10 Front to back 10 side to side 10 Yoga Push ups Coach Led Hang Power Snatch work x 7 Minutes – Hang Muscle Snatch – OHS –...