
ThursdayWarm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + Green band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with a 3 count glute contraction on each rep...

WednesdayWarm-up3 min Machine -into- 4 World's Greatest Stretch (each side) -into- 3 sets (PVC or Empty Bar) 3 Muscle Snatch 3 Overhead Squats 3 Muscle Cleans 3 Front Fronts 3 Push PressWeightliftingSnatch (Weight)- 10 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch * Rest 60-90 seconds between sets *Clean and Jerk (Weight)- 10 minutes to establish a...

TuesdayWarm-up3 Way Banded Shoulder Stretch INTO 6 min AMRAP 30-sec easy row 8 Alternating Hang dumbbell cleans (lightweight - focus on transition) 8 Single Dumbbell Push Press (each) WeightliftingPush Jerk (Weight)3 Push Jerk x 5 sets @60-70% (1RM Clean and Jerk) - Rest 60-90 seconds between sets -Workout PrepWorkout Prep** 1...

MondayWarm-up3:00 Assault Bike ( Alternate 30secs Moderate/fast into 30secs slow) -into- 3 Sets 10 PVC Pass Throughs 5 Snatch Grip Shoulder Press (PVC) 5 Overhead Squats (PVC) with Hip Cycle or Banded 5 Kipping Knee Raises WeightliftingWorkout PrepWorkout Prep** 1 set 5 Toes to Bar 15 second Bike (workout pace) 5 Wall Balls 15 second...

SaturdayWarm-up5:00 Machine (Little longer today, Start slow and build pace) - into - 3 Rounds 5 Kettle Bell Swings 5 Air Squats 5 Push ups 5 Sit Ups 50 M Jog MetconMetconPartners will Alternate Movements to Complete as Many Rounds and Reps of AMRAP 7 10 Kettle Bell...

FridayWarm-up7 min AMRAP 30-sec single/double unders 4 Box Step Ups (each side) 4-inch worms (reach through legs at top) 4 Double Dumbbell Clean and Push Press (lightweight) WeightliftingBench Press (Weight) Building to a Heavy for the Day Workout PrepWorkout Prep** 2 sets 5 Dumbbell Push Press 2 Box Jump Overs 5 Dumbbell Cleans 2 Box Jump...

ThursdayWarm-up3 min Machine -into- 4 World's Greatest Stretch (each side) -into- 3 sets (PVC or Empty Bar) 3 Muscle Snatch 3 Overhead Squats 3 Muscle Cleans 3 Front Fronts 3 Push Press Workout PrepWorkout Prep** Every 20 seconds (3 sets) 2 Burpee to BarWeightliftingSnatch (Weight)Snatch: Perform 5 singles within 60-75% of 1RM Snatch Every 90 Seconds for 5...

WednesdayWarm-upUpper Body Warm Up with Shoulder Taps 10 Inch Worms 20 Air Squats 30 Jumping Jacks 40 Single Unders 50 Shoulder Taps Then 2 Rounds 10 Banded Pass Thru 10 Banded Face Pulls 10 Banded Pull ApartsWorkout PrepWorkout Prep** 1 set 100m Run 5 Pull Ups 5 Handstand Push UpsMetconMetcon (4...

TuesdayWarm-up3 sets 10 PVC Pass Throughs 5 PVC Around the world (Left and Right) -into- 2 sets (empty bar) 30 second Row 5 Clean Grip Deadlifts 5 High Pulls 5 Hang Muscle Cleans 5 2in Drops - into - 2 sets (empty bar) 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Power Cleans (below the knee) 2 Hang Power Cleans Weightlifting3 Position Power...

MondayWarm-up3 Way Banded Shoulder Stretch -into- 3 sets 1:00 Assault/Echo bike (easy/mod pace) 5 Snatch Push Press 5 Overhead SquatsWeightliftingSnatch Push Press + Overhead Squat (Weight)1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Overhead Squat: - Work up to a heavy in 10-12 minutesWorkout PrepWorkout Prep** 3 sets 20 sec. Assault bike...