
07/23/2019Warm-up40 Single Unders 30 Renegade Rows (total) 20 DB Push Press 10 DB Push-ups (or knee push-ups) 20 Double DB Rows 30 Hollow Rocks 40 Double Unders (or attempts)WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)Speed Bench Press + Challenge Set: 6 x 3 @50% of 1RM Bench Press, every 60s. – each set should be AFAP...

07/22/2019Warm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats WeightliftingFront Squat (Weight) Front Squat Clusters: Build...

07/20/2019Warm-up5 Minutes of Rowing Then, With a partner and an empty barbell perform: 3 Rounds of: Partner 1… 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Thruster 20 Double unders or singles *each time both partners complete a round add weight; building to Metcon weight While Partner 2… Rows MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 28 w. a...

07/19/2019Warm-up1 min Row (easy) Then, 10 Scorpions 20 Prone Swimmers 10 Yoga Push Ups :40s Row (Moderate) 20 Banded Pull-aparts 20 Banded Triceps Pushdowns :20 Row (fast) Then, 10 Close Grip Bench Press (empty bar) 10 light Rollback Triceps ExtensionsWeightlifting3 Rounds of: 6 Close Grip Bench Press (challenging weight) 12 Rollback Triceps Extensions 25 Banded Triceps Pushdowns No rest...

0718/2019Warm-upGrab Dumbells and boxes 3 Rounds with DB 5 RDLs 5 Bent over rows 5 Sumo Stance RDLs 5 Front Squats 5 Step ups (each side) > Box jump *no DBs for step ups *switch from step ups to box jump after second round of warm-up Rest 60s, WeightliftingSumo Deadlift (Weight)Sumo Deadlift 7 x...

07/17/2019Warm-upRun 400 Meters Then, 3 Rounds of: 20s on/:10off 1a) Hollow rocks 1b) Air Squats 1c) Wall Walks 1d) Kip swingsGymnasticsEMOM 8: ODD Minutes: 10-15 seconds L-Sit Hold EVEN Minutes: 15-20 seconds Handstand HoldMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20: 10 KBS (53, 35)(70/53) 10 T2B 400 Meter RunAuxillary WorkRollback Triceps Extensions: 4 x 12. Rest...

07/16/2019Warm-upGrab barbell, rope, KB, and wallball 3 Rounds of: 1 min jump rope (dubs or singles) 50-foot bear crawl 5+5 medball front squat+wall ball 2 Rounds of: :40 seconds jump rope 5 Light KB Windmill per side 5+5 Sumo Deadlift+Sumo Deadlift high pull Set up a rack for pressing 1 Round of: 8 Bent-over Barbell Rows 8...

07/15/2019Warm-upGrab a band and light/moderate KB 2 Round of: 10 Dynamic Pigeon Pose (5 per side) 5 Cook Squat + OH reach 5 Walk outs > Down Dog 5 Tempo Goblet Squat + KB lower (42×1) Then, with an empty barbell 5 reps of each: ***Hook Grip*** RDL Hang muscle clean Front squat Hang power clean...

07/13/2019Warm-upHigh knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skip up and back 20 Air Squats 10 Box Jumps MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)In teams of 3: AMRAP 30: Buy-in: 2.5 Mile Run, Remaining time AMRAP: 30 Barbell Rows (115/78) 30 Wall Balls...

07/12/2019Warm-up2min Row Then with light DBs + light band (on rig) 2 Rounds of: 10 DB Floor Press 10 Renegade Row 10 Single Arm Banded Triceps Pushdowns 10 Single Arm Banded Lat Pulldowns each *set up racks for Floor PressWeightliftingFloor Press (Weight)Close Grip Floor Press: 3RM. Rest 2:00 – Grip just inside of...