
ThursdayWarm-up6 min AMRAP 30-second Bike Erg (easy pace) 5 Deadlifts (empty bar - build across sets) 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press (each) WeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Work to a Heavy Single in 20 Minutes Try to reach a heavy single within 5-6 working sets (not counting warm-up). - Focus on...

WednesdayWarm-up7 min AMRAP 1 round of Rowling (5 max burpee penalty) 4 Power Snatch (empty bar - build across) 5 Down Dog/Seal Pose Transitions 2. Workout Prep 1 set: With partner 100m Row (each) 5 Power SnatchMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)Teams of 2 3:00 Amrap (4 sets) 500/425m Row (each/same time) Max Power Snatch Set 1:...

TuesdayWarm-up3 sets: 1:00 Machine (easy pace) 10 Dead bugs 5 Bench Press(empty bar - build across sets) 5 Burpees WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)Work to a Heavy Single. ATHLETES SHOULD HAVE A SPOTTER AT ANYTHING ABOVE 80% AND DISCUSS SPOTTING METHOD PREFERENCE - Try to reach a heavy single within...

MondayWarm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + Green band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with a 3 count glute contraction on each rep...

SaturdayWarm-up 400 Meter Run, Into 3 sets: 1 Zombie Rope Climb 5 Pike Push-ups 5 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans (each) 2. Workout Prep 2 sets: 1 Rope climb (1 pull) 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups 3 Dumbbell Power CleansMetconMetcon (Time)3 sets: 2 Rounds 2 Rope Climbs (15ft) 6 Strict Handstand Push Up (Or 12 Push-ups) 12 Dumbbell...

FridayWarm-up8 min AMRAP 10-sec handstand hold 5 Alt V-ups (each side) 5 Knees to elbows 5 Stepback Lunges w/ plate overhead (each side) 2. Workout Prep 2 sets: 5 Toes to Bar 10ft Overhead Walking Lunge (increase weight)MetconMetcon (Time)3 rounds: 30 Toes to Bar 50’ Overhead Walking lunge (95/65) Time Cap 15 min...

ThursdayWarm-up3 sets: 30-second Assault Bike 5 Deadlifts (empty bar - build across sets) 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press (each) 10-second Handstand HoldWorkout Preporkout Prep With partner 2 sets: 5/4 Calorie Assault Bike (each/at workout pace) 10 Synchro Air SquatsWeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Super Set Deadlifts with Hand Stand Push Ups 1 Deadlift x 5...

WednesdayWarm-up8 min AMRAP 30-second Ski (Or Row) (easy pace) 5 GHD’s to parallel 5 Kip Swings 5 Scap Pullups 2. Workout Prep 1 set: 5/4 Calorie Ski 5 GHD’s 5 Pull-upsMetconMetcon (5 Rounds for reps)5 sets: (Every 5:00) 20/16 Calorie Ski (Or 20/16 Calorie Row) 20 GHD’s (Or 20 V-ups) 20 Pull-ups...

TuesdayWarm-up3 Minutes Row Into 3 sets: 5 Bench Press (empty bar - build across) 10 Plate toe touch (each side) 3 Box Step Up (each side) 30-sec row (easy pace)WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)1 Bench Press x 7 sets @80-90% of 1RM *rest as needed between sets*Workout PrepWorkout Prep 2...

MondayWarm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + Green band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with a 3 count glute contraction on each rep...