
03/05/2019Warm-upTabata #1 (20 seconds on; 10 off) for 8 rounds alternating between: 1) Jumping Jacks 2) Hollow Rocks Then, Tabata #2 alternating between: 1) Single arm kb strict press (2 rounds) –> Single arm kb push press (2 rounds) 2) Single unders (2 rounds)...

03/04/2019Warm-upMusical Med Balls Then 2 rounds x 5 reps per BB movement of: RDL Front Squat Hang Muscle Clean Power Clean Green Band Walks x 10 each direction WeightliftingBack Squat (Weight)1) Wide Stance Box Squat: 3RM. Rest 2:00Warm-up Metcon Prep: Power Clean + Front Squat: Build to desired...

03/02/2019Warm-upPartner up and grab barbells, rowers, and set-up for strict pull-ups Coach Led: Burgener Warm-up 1. Down and up 2. Elbows high and outside 3. Muscle snatch 4. Snatch land 5. Snatch drop 6. Hang power snatch *Go through 5 reps of each step Then, 2 Rounds of: 5 Power Snatch 3 Strict Pull-upsMetconMetcon (Time)In teams of...

03/01/2019Warm-upPartner up and complete 18 Calories on the Rower each at a moderate pace Then, 40 Medball Chest passes total 30 Shoulder Taps (each athlete) 20 Medball Chest Passes 10 Burpees (each) Grab Barbells and warm up cleans to a heavy single for 15 minutes MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)OPEN WOD 19.2 Beginning on...

02/28/2019Warm-upAMRAP 6 of: 100m shuttle run (50m out, 50m back) Asymmetrical Carry x 50 ft. Squat Thrust x 5 reps Then, Grab barbells and complete 3 Deadlifts 3 Muscle Cleans 3 Squat Cleans *Add light weight 2 Deadlifts 2 Power Cleans 2 Squat Cleans *Add light weight 2 Deadlifts 1 Power Clean 1 Squat CleanWeightliftingPower Snatch x 2 OHS x 2...

02/27/2019Warm-upGrab a light KB and complete: 5 Russian Swings Left 5 Russian Swings Right 5 KB Push Press Right 5 KB Push Press Left 20 Figure 8s 5 KB Front Squat Right 5 KB Front Squat Left 5 KBS (american)WeightliftingPower Clean (Weight)5 x 3 Every 90 Sec Building MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and...

02/26/2019Warm-upPartner up and complete 18 Calories on the Rower each at a moderate pace Then, 50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow each 40 Medball Chest passes total 30 Shoulder Taps (each athlete) 20 Medball Chest Passes 10 Burpees (each) 50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow Then, Review Banded Push Press + HSPU scalingWeightliftingPush Press (Weight)1) Speed Push Press against...

02/25/2019Warm-upGrab a band and Complete: 20 Walking BW Lunges 10 Air Squats 20 Scorpions (total) 10 Hollow Rocks 20 Banded Goodmornings 10 Green Band Walks Left 10 Green Band Walks Right 10 Green Band Walks Forward 10 Green Band Walks Backward Then, Grab barbells and complete: 2 Deadlifts + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans on...

02/23/2019Warm-upSet-up all equipment and complete 1 round for each athlete of: 10 Box Jump 10 KBS 10 Hand Release Push-ups 10 Hang Power Cleans 10 Abmat Sit-upsMetconMetcon3 Rounds of 2:00 on with a partner: 2:00 of Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20) 2:00 of KBS (53, 35) 2:00 of Hand Release...

02/22/2019MetconCrossfit Games Open 19.1 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP - Reps)Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 19 wall-ball shots 19-cal. row Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target Women throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. targetCrossfit Games Open 19.1 Masters (55+) (AMRAP - Reps)Complete as many rounds as possible...