
2019-01-16 20:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Africa/Abidjan ) current: DateTime Object ( [date] => 2019-01-17 00:04:13.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) diff: DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 ...

2019-01-15 20:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Africa/Abidjan ) current: DateTime Object ( [date] => 2019-01-16 00:05:22.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) diff: DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 ...

2019-01-14 20:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Africa/Abidjan ) current: DateTime Object ( [date] => 2019-01-15 00:04:58.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) diff: DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 ...

2019-01-13 20:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Africa/Abidjan ) current: DateTime Object ( [date] => 2019-01-14 00:04:48.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) diff: DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 ...

01/12/2019Warm-upPartner Rowing Alt Rowing evey 20 Seconds on the Rower. The team with the most Meters at the end of 3 Minutes wins MetconMetcon (Time)Partner Workout For time 100/80 Cal Row 100 DU 100 PS (75/53) 100 DU 100 Thrusters 100 DU 100/80 Cal Row Rx+ = AB (95/68)...

01/11/2019Warm-upAlternating Tabata x 20s work/10s rest: 1a) Single Unders 1b) Scorpions then Alternating Tabata x 20s work/10s rest 1a) SDHP w. empty bar 1b) Barbell Rows w. empty bar Then, Review all of today’s Movements: – Asymmetrical Carry (Front Rack + OH) – Strict Ring Pull-ups – Ring OR Bar Dips – Front Rack Reverse LungesMetconMetcon...

01/10/2019Warm-up500 M Row at an easy pace Then with an empty barbell: 2 Rounds of: 8 RDLs 8 Front Squats 8 Push Press 8 Back Squats 8 Goodmornings 8 Bent-over rows *Your athletes can put down the bar and rest between movements as needed. Then, Review Power Clean + JerkWeightliftingPaused Front Squat (Weight) Paused Front...

01/09/2019Warm-upMusical MedballsGymnasticsGymnastics Static Holds Accumulate 60 seconds resting as needed – L-Sit – Hollow Hold – Ring Support – Chest Facing Wall Handstand *Choose 2 of the 4MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)5 Rounds 30s work/30s rest: 1a) Wallballs (20, 14) 1b) Box Jumps (24, 20) 1c) Double Unders 1d) Russian Twists w. a...

01/08/2019Warm-upHigh Knees up and back Butt Kick up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back 5 Inch Worm with a push up Banded Snatch Warm-up + Thoracic Mob – 10 Pass Thru – 10 Around the World – 10 OHS Then, 10 Cook Squats...

01/07/2019Warm-upGrab boxes and barbells Then, 20 Alt. Box Step-ups 20 Bent-over Barbell Rows (empty bar) (pronated grip) 20 Hollow Rocks 15 Box Jumps 15 Push Press (Empty bar) 15 Knee Lifts (everyone) 10 Box Jumps 10 Supinated Grip Barbell Rows 10 T2B * Add weight...