
5/14/2018Warm-upBanded Glute Warm up 10 steps left 10 steps right 10 air squats 10 clam shells left 10 clam shells right 10 glute ham bridges Grab two light DBs and complete: 8 DB Walking Lunges 8 DB RDLs 8 DB Push Press 8 DB Power Cleans 8 DB ThrustersWeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)1) Touch...

05/12/2018Warm-upA) Whiteboard Brief (0:00 - 3:00) - Metcon: This workout bookends with rowing intervals. Your strategy here will determine the outcome of the workout. This work can be split however you choose, but it should be easy to partition work into small sets to sustain a...

05/11/2018Warm-up Warm Up/Mobility (3:00 - 15:00) High Knees x 2 Butt Kicks x 2 Spider Man Lunge x 2 per leg Band Walks x 10 steps each direction Band Glute Ham Bridge x 10 Bottom up KB presses 5 per arm x 2 WeightliftingPower Snatch x 2 OHS...

05/10/2018Warm-upWith a barbell + foam roller + light band 2 Rounds of: 6 Bent-over Rows 6 Push Press 6 Barbell Curls 25 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Passes Foam Roller on each Lat 10 Thoracic Rotations each Then right into a 3-Way Banded Shoulder + Lat Stretch x 30s each position WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)1a) Speed Close...

05/09/2018Warm-upPVC Game *Every time PVC Drops everyone performs: 1st Drop: 10 Walking Lunges 2nd Drop: Lunge Complex each side 3rd Drop: 10 Hollow Rocks + 10 Supermans 4th Drop: 10 V-Ups + 10 Alt. Step-ups Then, 400 Meter RunGymnastics3 Rounds for Quality: 10s L-Sit Hold 10s Ring Support 20s Handstand Hold or WalkMetconMetcon...

05/08/2018WeightliftingSplit Jerk (Weight)Every 2 minutes for 8 sets Set 1-3 3 reps At between 55-65% Sets 4-5 2 reps @ between 70-85% Sets 6-8 1 rep @ 90-95% MetconMetcon (Time)5 rounds for time 15/10 cal on rower 10 Deadlifts (185/123) ...

05/07/2018WeightliftingBack Squat (Weight)10 Reps @ 65% 8 Reps @ 70% 6 Reps @ 75% 4 Reps @ 80% 2 Reps @ 90%MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)10 Min AMRAP 5 Burpee Pull-Ups 10 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (55/35 lbs) 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)...

05/04/2018WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)A. Bench Press 5 sets of three building to a heavy triple Auxiliary WorkB. 8 round tabata Hollow Rocks MetconMetcon (Time)15-12-9-6 Clean and Jerk (135/93) (155/103) Burpee Box Jump Overs ...

05/03/2018WeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Three sets of: Single-Leg Deadlift x 6-8 reps each leg Rest 60 seconds barbell glute ham bridges (Weight)Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps Rest 60 seconds Plank Hold (Max reps)Side Plank x 45 seconds each side Rest 60 seconds MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)8 Min AMAP ascending by 3 3 Hang Squat...