10 May CrossFit WOD, May 11, 2018
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Power Snatch x 2 OHS x 2 (Weight)
5 Sets of this complex building resting at least 90 seconds between sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20 Min EMOM
MIn 1 40 second max single arm alt DB Snatch (55/35)
MIn 2 40 second max goblet squat with DB
MIn 3 40 sec max double unders
Min 4 40 sec max toes to bar
Min 5 walk/rest
score total reps
High Knees x 2
Butt Kicks x 2
Spider Man Lunge x 2 per leg
Band Walks x 10 steps each direction
Band Glute Ham Bridge x 10
Bottom up KB presses 5 per arm x 2