
CrossFit - Fri, Jun 23Warm-up3 sets:1:00 Machine6 Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press4 Dumbbell Bench Press10 Sit-ups + Leg Extension10 Ring Rows (easy)2. Workout Prep2 sets:4 Dumbbell Bench Press (build-in weight)4 Ring Rows4 GHD’sMetcon (Time)3 rounds30 Dumbbell Bench Press (50s/35s) (Or Deficit Push Ups)30 Ring Rows (or...

CrossFit - Thu, Jun 22Warm-up7 min AMRAP:50m Jog3 Inch Worms + 6 Pike Push-ups10 Dumbbell RDL’s (each)3 Deadlifts (empty bar)WeightliftingSuper Set Handstand Push-ups (Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups 5 Sets: 30-40% reps of Max Unbroken Reps (SHSPU))Deficit Clean Deadlift (5 sets of 2 Deficit Deadlifts @70% of 1RM...

CrossFit - Wed, Jun 21Warm-up3 sets:10 sec row (easy)10 sec row (mod)10 sec row (hard)4 Dumbbell Deadlifts (build across)4 Dumbbell Hang Cleans (build across)4 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (build across)2. Workout Prep1 set:5/4 Calorie Row (at workout pace)5 Dumbbell Deadlifts4 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans3 Dumbbell...

CrossFit - Tue, Jun 20Warm-up3 sets10 Heel Toe Rocks5 Low Box Jumps4 Updowns to Seal Pose + Box Jump5 Pause Bench Press (empty bar-build across sets)5 PVC Muscle SnatchWeightliftingBench Press (5 set of 2 Pause Bench Press @70% of 1RM *2-3 second pause* * Rest as...

CrossFit - Mon, Jun 19Warm-up3 sets:30-second Assault Bike5 1¼ Squats (empty bar)5 Scap pull-ups5 Supinated Ring Rows10 Alternating V-UpsWeightliftingFront Squat (5 sets of 2 Pause Front Squats @70% of 1RM * Rest as needed between sets *)Chin Ups (5 sets of 3 Strict Weighted...

CrossFit - Sat, Jun 17Warm-up10:00 Amrap45-second Row5 Muscle Snatch (empty bar)5 Push Press (empty bar)5 Up Downs2. Workout PrepWith a partner:3 sets:5/4 Calorie Row (each)2 Power Snatch (build across sets)2 Shoulder to Overhead (build across sets)2 Bar Facing BurpeesMetcon (Time)Teams of 2120/90 Calorie Row30 Power...

CrossFit - Fri, Jun 16Warm-up3 sets:30-sec Jump Rope5 Updowns to Seal Pose3 Deadlifts (empty bar - 20-sec tempo rise)8 Pike Push-ups Deadlift (Weight)Deadlift:3 Dead Stop Deadlifts x 5 sets @65% of 1RM Handstand Push-ups (Handstand Push-ups (Strict): 5 Sets: 50-60% reps of max reps unbroken )Metcon (AMRAP...

CrossFit - Wed, Jun 14Warm-up8 min AMRAP30 sec Row (easy)20 sec Row (mod)10 sec row (hard)4 Up-downs to seal pose + step/jump over rower2 Double Dumbbell Snatch (lightweight - build across)2 Double Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (lightweight - build across)2. Workout Prep1 set:5/4 Calorie Row...

CrossFit - Tue, Jun 13Warm-up3 sets:10 Alternating V-Ups5 Tempo Air Squats3 Tempo Front Squats5 Scap Pull-ups10 Dumbbell Up right Row (each) 2. Strength PrepStrength: Athletes will be working back and forth between tempo front squats and weighted chin-ups. The tempo for front squats is a...