
04/09/2019WeightliftingAt an easy pace, 25/20 Calorie Row (or 200 Meter Run) Then grab a barbell, a box, and a band: 10 Push Press 10 Bent-over Row (pronated grip) 10 Alternate Step-ups (unweighted) 30 Banded pull-aparts (pronated) 8 Push Press 8 Rows (Supinated Grip) 8 Alt. Step-ups (this set grab DBs) 20 Banded pull-aparts (supinated) Then, On coaches...

04/08/2019WeightliftingGrab a medball + PVC: Glute Bridges x 10 (2 count glute squeeze at the top of each rep) Cossack Squats x 10 Lunge with twist x 10 Air Squat x 10 Med ball Power Clean x 10 Med ball press x 10 Med ball thruster x 10 Glute Bridges x 10 (2...

04/06/2019Warm-upPet Rock Warm-up" Get into teams of 2 and complete a 400 meter run with 1 Heavy Kettlebell (pet rock.) The kettlebell is not to touch the ground and can be passed back and forth between partners however they see fit. Then, Review: – Farmer Carry – Sledpull Powerwalk or...

04/05/2019Warm-up2 Rounds of: Banded Pushdowns x 20 Deadbugs x 20 (total) Barbell Rows x 20 (empty bar) (pronated grip set #1/supinated grip set #2) Then, Rope Climb Practice WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)Close Grip Bench Press: 5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00 – Build to a 1RM (1+ = 3-4 singles above 90%.)MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and...

04/04/2019Warm-upMini-band glute activation: 2 rounds: 10 clams each side (glute medius) 10 Single Leg Glute Bridge (alternating legs) (1 count hold at the top) (glute max) 15 banded air squats Then, Grab a light KB and complete: 2 Rounds of: 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 Goblet Squats 3 Max Vertical Jumps *Rest 10s between movementWeightliftingBack Squat...

04/03/2019Warm-upPartner up and grab a rower 3 Rounds Partner A row 200 M Partner B Perform 10 Air Squats and 10 Push ups Swich Warm up DB Hang Power Cleans and DB Hang Squat Cleans Muscle clean –> Power clean –> Front squat –> Squat CleanMetconMetcon (Time)"3k" With...

04/02/2019Warm-upWith a light set of DBs and band 2 Rounds of: Double DB Rows x 10 Rolling Triceps Extension x 20 (on floor) Banded pull-apart (pronated grip round 1/supinated grip round 2) x 30 Then, With an empty barbell review, the Split Jerk: 3...

04/01/2019Warm-up200 meter jog Then, 3 Rounds 10 Scorpions (total) 10 Air Squats 5 Squat Thrusts Then, Barbell Warm Up 10 Romanian Deadlift *Add lightweight to bar 10 Deadlift *Rest 30s and transition to floor 10 Barbell Glute Bridge WeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Deadlift: 2-2-1-1-1-1. Rest 90s-2:00. – The goal...

03/30/2019Warm-upPartner Warm-Up Partner 1: 30 high knees/20 Walking Lunges (BW, total) Partner 2: Push Up Plus x 10; push-up right over left calve stretch. *Switch Partner 1: (On Rig) 10 scap squeeze/10 Hollow to Arch Partner 2: 50 singles; 25 DU attempts *Switch Partner 1: 5 Strict Pull Ups/ 5 Kip Swings...

03/29/2019Warm-upPVC Game x 6 Minutes *Everytime PVC Drops 1st Drop: 10 Walking Lunges 2nd Drop: 10 Burpees 3rd Drop: 10 Hollow Rocks + 10 Supermans Then, Review Strength Work + S2OH + T2B for the remainder of the warm-upWeightliftingSplit Jerk (Weight)Split Jerk: 1RM. Rest 2:00MetconJones Bones (AMRAP -...