
01/06/2019Warm-upWarm Up 1 5 RDLs 5 Sumo Stance RDLs 5 Front Squats 5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg 5 Goodmornings 5 Bent-over Rows Rest 40-60s, add light weight. Green Band Walks + Banded Goodmorning x 3 rounds 10 left/10 right/10 GMWeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Deadlift: Build to a heavy 3 in 10 sets. Rest 2:00 -...

01/04/2019Warm-upCoaches ChoiceMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 25 w. a partner: 50 Wall balls (20, 14) 50 Calorie Row 40 Toes to bar 40 Hollow Rocks 30 Strict Press (75, 53) 30 Push Press 20 Overhead Squats 20 Thrusters 10 Box Jump Overs (24, 20) 10...

01/03/2019Warm-upUpper Body Warm Up with Shoulder TapsFoam Roll for 3 Minutes plus 20 Thoracic Rotations Then 10 Inch Worms 20 Air Squats 30 Jumping Jacks 40 Single Unders 50 Shoulder Taps Then 2 Rounds 10 Banded Pass Thru 10 Banded Face Pulls 10 Banded Pull Aparts WeightliftingPush...

01/02/2019Warm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + foam roller + heavy band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with...

12/31/2019Warm-upAMRAP 8 at a slow pace of: 5 Power Clean 5 Push Press 6 Alternating Step-ups 5 KBS 5 Box Jump with step-down 5 Power Snatch 5 Bent-over Barbell Rows 5 Knee LiftsMetconNew Year WOD (Time)New Year Challenge WOD For time: 45/40 Calorie Row 30 Power Snatch (115, 73) 30 C2B Pull-ups 30 Push Press 30 T2B 30 Power...

12/30/2019Warm-upWarm-up Upper Body Up and Back with High Knees Butt Kicks Lateral Shuffle 5 Inch Worm with push ups Then 3 Rounds of: 5 Barbell Rows 5 Barbell Push Press 10 Banded Pull-aparts - supinated grip 10 banded pushdowns - neutral grip Warm-upReview Split Jerks WeightliftingFront Squat x2 Split Jerk x1...

12/28/2019MetconWarm-upCoaches Choice MetconMetcon (Time)In teams of two 2 Rounds for Time 400 M Run together 30 Synchro Toes to Bar 30 Power Snatches 30 Synchro Burpees 30 Squat Cleans (135/93) Rest 5 Min ...

12/27/2019Warm-upBench Press Warm Up Foam roll pecs and lats AMRAP 3 of 10 Over and Back 10 Banded Facepull-aparts 10 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Thoracic Rotations (5 each side) Then: 5 Inch Worm with Push Up 10 Pec Rolls (5 per side)WeightliftingFloor Press (Weight)Floor Press: Build to a 1RM in...

12/26/2019Warm-up3 Rounds BP Lower Complex: 5 Romanian Deadlifts 5 Sumo RDLs 5 Front Squats 5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg 5 Goodmornings 5 Barbell Rows Rest 40-60s, add light weight. Then, Warm-up + Review Power Clean +Jerk Power SnatchMetconMetcon (Time)"Woods" For time with a partner: 2k Row 42 Power Snatches (135, 93) 42 Power Clean + S20H (135,...

12/24/2019Metcon12 Days of Christmas (Time)12 Days of Christmas For time: ** performed like the song… 1 Clean & Jerk, 225/153) 2 Muscle-ups 3 Box Jumps, 24/20 in 4 Hang Squat Snatches, 115/73 5 Bar Facing Burpees 6 Push Press, 115/73 7 Pistols 8 Toes-to-bars 9 Wall Balls, 20/14 10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups...