
10/24/2018Warm-up12 Minutes of Pose Running Drills Concluded with a 400 Meter Run to apply drillsMetconMetcon (Distance)30 Minutes on the Clock with a partner: 400m Farmer Carry (70s, 53s) Remaining time: Max Distance Run *One person works. Split however desired. *Score = total distance completedAuxiliary WorkAccumulate: 100 Banded Pushdowns...

10/23/2018Warm-upAbmat Pizza Game x 6 Minutes *For every drop complete 10 Banded Pull-aparts + 10 Thoracic Rotations + 6 Minutes to Review Rope Climb TechniqueGymnasticsPull-up Training Week 3: 4 Rounds of: 8 1-Arm KB Rows w. rotation (1 ct pause at top of each rep) each 20 Banded Facepull-aparts Rest 90s...

10/22/2018Warm-up HIgh Knees up and Back Butt Kicks up and back Inch worms (half distance + jog the rest) Broad Jumps one way 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Banded Air Squat 10 Banded Glute Ham Bridges WeightliftingBack Squat (Weight)Clusters are "intra-set rest" meaning you’ll perform 2 reps, re-rack, rest 15s, and...

10/20/2018Warm-upPVC Game x 7 Minutes *Everytime PVC Drops 1st Drop: 10 Walking Lunges 2nd Drop: 10 Jumping Jacks 3rd Drop: 10 Hollow Rocks + 10 Supermans 4th Drop: 10 PVC Thrusters MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)In teams of 2: AMRAP 28: 20 DB Man Makers (50, 30) 800 meter Run *One person works...

10/19/2018Warm-upReview the TGU with no weight. Then, Grab a light KB and complete: 5 TGU on each side 5 Single Arm Russian Swings each 5 Single Arm KB Push press each 5 KB Front Squat on each side 5 American Swings 5 Yoga Push-upsWeightliftingBench Press (Weight)1a) Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x...

10/18/2018Warm-up60s Pigeon Pose on Box each side to open hips (leave boxes out when do for Metcon) Then, 8 Minutes of: 10 Reverse Lunges in place (5 each) 8 Birddogs (4 each) 6 RDLs with an empty bar 4 Squat Cleans w. empty bar Rest as needed.WeightliftingClean (Weight)1.1.1 Every 2:30 Minutes for 7...

10/17/2018Warm-upAMRAP 8: 20 Single Unders + 20 DUs or Attempts 5 Muscle Snatch w. light barbell + 5 OHS Run 100 MetersWeightliftingPower Snatch x1 OHS x 2 (Weight)Every 2 Min for 6 Sets building to a Heavy Set for the Day MetconMetcon (Time)With a partner: Buy in: Row 2k Then, 2 Rounds...

10/16/2018Warm-upDB Warm-up w. 1 light DB 2 Rounds x 8 reps each: – Push Press Right – Push Press Left – Front Squat Right – Front Squat Left – 15 Hollow Rocks – 10 DB Front Rack Walking LungesGymnastics1) Pull-up Training Week 2: 4 Rounds of: 8-10 Wide Pronated Grip Inverted Rows 6-8 DB Hammer...

10/15/2018Warm-up3 Rounds of: 10 Walking Lunges 10 Green Band Walks Left 10 Green Bank Walks Right 10 Banded Goodmornings Rest as needed.WeightliftingDeadlift (Weight)Deadlift: 1RM. Rest 2-3:00MetconMetcon (Time)4 Rounds of: 15 Russian KB Swing (70/53) 10 Front Squats at 60% 500 Meter Row Rest 90 sec...

10/13/2018Warm-upPartner Up into Teams of 2 and complete perform: 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Press each athlete *Resting partner performs 15s Plank 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats each athlete *Resting partner performs 10s Side Plank 2 Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push...