
SaturdayWarm-upCOACHES CHOICEMetconMetcon (Time)KYLES BIRTHDAY WOD 800 M Run 33 Toes to Bar (or rings) 33 Hang Power Cleans (95/63) 33 KBS (53/35) 3 Rope Climbs 600 Meter Run 33 Toes to Bar (or rings) 33 HPC 33 KBS 3 Rope Climbs 200 Meter Run ...

ThursdayWarm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats StrengthClean x1 Front Squat x2 Split Jerk...

TuesdayWarm-upWarm-up Upper Body Up and Back with High Knees Butt Kicks Lateral Shuffle 5 Inch Worm with push ups Then 3 Rounds of: 5 Barbell Rows 5 Barbell Push Press 10 Banded Pull-aparts - supinated grip 10 banded pushdowns - neutral grip StrengthShoulder Press (10RM)ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK...

MondayWarm-upWarm-upEMOM x 5 MINUTES MIN 1 - :45 Forward Lunge + Twist MIN 2 - :45 Up-Downs MIN 3 - :45 Wide Stance Good Mornings MIN 4 - :45 Slow Air Squats MIN 5 - 200m Run StrengthBack Squat (10RM)ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK...

Sunday Bootcamp 10/18Warm-upMetcon (Time)In partners or pairs {working simultaneously} complete the following for time: -10 x 200m med ball run (20/14) -200 Goblet lunges (55/35) (1,2,3,4) -250 DB Snatches (40/25) (1,2,3,4) -250 weighted overhead sit-ups (25/15) -100 ring dips -14x Sled pushes Note: This is to be completed chipper style. Partners can...

FridayWarm-upWarm-upAMRAP x 5 MINUTES 8 Air Squats 8 Ring Rows 8 Scap Push-ups 16 Jumping Jacks StrengthBack Squat (8-8-8-8)8-8-8-8 Back Squat *Start moderate-heavy and end heavy. (Score is Weight) WorkoutMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP x 12 MINUTES 1-2-3, and so on...

ThursdayWarm-upWarm-upEMOM X 6 MINUTES MIN 1 - :45 Bike MIN 2 - :45 Single Unders MIN 3 - :45 Bike MIN 4 - :45 Hang Clean MIN 5 - :45 Bike MIN 6 - :45 Push Press StrengthMetcon (Weight)6 SETS Every 90 Seconds for 6 sets 2 Hang Power Clean + 2 Shoulder to OH (Score...