
10/24/2019Warm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + foam roller + heavy band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with...

10/23/2019Warm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats Warm-upGet into teams of 3 and perform: AMRAP...

10/22/2019Warm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats WeightliftingPower Clean + Split Jerk (Weight)7...

10/21/2019Warm-upFoam roll hamstrings: Active Straight Leg Raises 3 x 45s each Bird Dogs: 3 x 5 ea. Then Single Leg Glute Bridge: 3 x 5 ea. No rest. Then 2 Rounds of Tempo KB RDL: 3 x 3-5 Rest 20s. 10 Russian KBS WeightliftingSumo Deadlift (Weight)Sumo Deadlift: 1RM in...

10/19/2019Warm-upAbmat Pizza Game *Every drop complete 3 Burpees Review + Warm-up Deadlifts (sets 3 building in weight) Rope Climb Review Wall Balls (sets of 5)MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20 w. a partner: 1 Rope Climb 10 Deadlifts (225, 155) 10 Wall Balls (20, 14) *One athlete completes a full round at a...

10/17/2019Warm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + foam roller + heavy band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with...

10/16/2019Warm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats MetconRun Forrest (Time)For time: Run 1 Mile 100 Burpees Run...

10/15/2019Warm-upUpper Body Warm up 3-Way Banded Shoulder + Lat Stretch x 30s each position With a barbell + foam roller + light band 2 Rounds of: 6 Bent-over Rows 6 Push Press 6 Barbell Curls 25 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Passes Foam Roller on each Lat 10 Thoracic Rotations eachWeightliftingSplit Jerk (Weight)Split Jerk: 1RM...