
12/11/2019Warm-upWarm-up Upper Body Up and Back with High Knees Butt Kicks Lateral Shuffle 5 Inch Worm with push ups Then 3 Rounds of: 5 Barbell Rows 5 Barbell Push Press 10 Banded Pull-aparts - supinated grip 10 banded pushdowns - neutral grip WeightliftingPush Press (Weight)7 x 3 at between 65-75% MetconMetcon (AMRAP...

12/10/2019Warm-upBench Press Warm Up Foam roll pecs and lats AMRAP 3 of 10 Over and Back 10 Banded Facepull-aparts 10 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Thoracic Rotations (5 each side) Then: 5 Inch Worm with Push Up 10 Pec Rolls (5 per side)WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)Bench Press - Heavy 4 in 7 sets. Rest...

12/09/2019MetconDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats WeightliftingPower Clean x 2 Squat Clean x...

12/07/2019Warm-upCoaches ChoiceMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)AMRAP 20 with a partner - ascending reps: 3 Deadlifts (225, 153) 3 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Row 6 Deadlifts 6 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Row 9 Deadlifts 9 Burpee Pull-ups 100 Meter Row And so...

12/06/2019Warm-up1) foam roll lats: x 60 seconds per side. 2) AMRAP 4 of: Thoracic Rotations x 5 each Banded Pass Thru x 8 Banded Facepull-aparts x 8 Banded Pull-aparts x 8 30 Partner Med Ball Chest PassesGymnasticsChin Ups (Max reps)1) Chin-up + Negative: 5 x 4 (5s). Rest 2:00 ...

12/05/2019Warm-upUpper Body Warm up 3-Way Banded Shoulder + Lat Stretch x 30s each position With a barbell + foam roller + light band 2 Rounds of: 6 Bent-over Rows 6 Push Press 6 Barbell Curls 25 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Passes Foam Roller on each Lat 10 Thoracic Rotations eachWarm-upReview Snatch WeightliftingSnatch (Weight)Snatch: Heavy...

12/04/2019Warm-upWarm up Lower BodyWith a barbell + foam roller + heavy band 2 Rounds of: 6 RDLs 6 Front Squats 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges Green Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each Then 5 Rollover to split stretch 10 Lateral Cossack Squats 10 Bird Dogs with...

12/03/2019Warm-up Foam roll pecs: x 60 seconds per side. Then, 10 Over and Back 10 Banded Facepull-aparts 10 Banded Pull-aparts 10 Thoracic Rotations (5 each side)WeightliftingBench Press (Weight)1) Bench Press – Build to a heavy 6 in 6 sets. Rest 2:00 – Use a medium grip...

12/02/2019Warm-up50 Ft. of Lunge with a Twist 50 Jumping Jacks 50 Ft. of Inch Worms no push ups 50 Ft. of X-Band Walks – 25 ft. each direction + 10 Banded Goodmorning before changing direction. 10 Bird Dogs each side Then, 3 Sets of: 3 Thrusters from the rack warming...

11/30/2019Warm-upCoaches ChoiceMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 30 in teams of 2: 150 Wall balls (20, 14) 150 Power Cleans (115, 73) 150 Calorie Row *One person works at a time - split as needed....