CrossFit WOD, February 25, 2019

CrossFit WOD, February 25, 2019


Grab a band and Complete:
20 Walking BW Lunges
10 Air Squats
20 Scorpions (total)
10 Hollow Rocks
20 Banded Goodmornings
10 Green Band Walks Left
10 Green Band Walks Right
10 Green Band Walks Forward
10 Green Band Walks Backward
Grab barbells and complete:
2 Deadlifts + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat Cleans on coaches call
*reset + repeat

Deadlift x3 Power Clean x2 Squat Clean x1 (Weight)
1) Max Load in Complex of:
3 Deadlifts
2 Power Cleans
1 Squat Clean
*All done without removing hands from the bar
*Build to a max over the course of 6-8 sets. Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Beginner: Practice with a light load or empty barbell

2) Metcon Prep:
Make sure Metcon weight is in check. It should be heavy today.

Elvis (Time)
For time:
30 Squat Cleans (185, 123)