Author: admin

SaturdayWarm-upDynamic Warm up with BarbellHigh Knees up and back Butt Kicks up and back Lateral Shuffle up and back Power Skips up and back Then grab barbells and complete: 8 Deadlifts 8 Muscle Cleans 8 Front Squat 8 Push Press 8 Goodmornings 8 Back Squats MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)In Teams...

TuesdayWarm-upWarm-upEMOM x 5 MINUTES (:45 ON/ :15 OFF) MIN 1 - Lunges MIN 2 - Alt. DB Deadlifts MIN 3 - Single DB Strict Press MIN 4 - Alt. Bird Dogs MIN 5 - Slow Deadbugs StrengthBench Press (5-4-3-5-4-3)5-4-3-5-4-3* Bench Press *Keep weight moderate-heavy. (Score is Weight) WorkoutMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds...

MondayWarm-upWarm-up2 ROUNDS 10 Step-Ups 10 Up-Downs 10 BB Snatch Grip Deadlift Into… 1 ROUND 8 Box Jumps 8 Burpees 8 BB Snatch Grip Upright Row StrengthHang Power Snatch (Weight)Every 90 Seconds for 8 Sets Hang Power Snatch x 1 Hang Snatch x 1 *Keep weight moderate. (Score is Weight) WorkoutMetcon...

Bootcamp 11/8Warm-upRun Stretch/Mobility -10 PVC Pass Throughs -10 PVC Good Mornings -10 PVC OHS -10 leg swings each leg -5 rollover to splitWarm-up5 lunges each leg 10 mountain climbers 15 air squats 20 hollow rocks 10 push ups Elbows and toes plank holdWarm-upWOD-Specific Warm Up Toes to Bar: -10x kipping swings -10x knees to chest -10x T2B Turkish Get-Ups: -Review movement -Start w/...

SaturdayWarm-upCoaches Choice MetconMetcon (Time)With a partner 1-10 HSPU (Deficit Rx +) 10-1 Squat Cleans (155/103)(185/133) Partner A performs a whole round then Partner B performs a whole round. ...

ThursdayWarm-upWarm-upEMOM x 5 MINUTES (:45 ON/ :15 OFF) MIN 1: Good Mornings MIN 2: Cal Bike (EZ) MIN 3: Glute Bridge MIN 4: Cal Bike (MOD) MIN 5: Up-Downs StrengthDeadlift (6x5)ON A 15:00 RUNNING CLOCK...