Author: admin

09/19/2018Warm-up5 Minutes of Foam Rolling Then: Tabata: 8 x 20s work/10s rest #1) Single Unders #2) Hollow Rocks MetconMetcon (Distance)In a 30 Minute Window with a partner: 400 Double Unders Remaining time: Max Distance on the Rower *Score = total distance completedAuxillary Work4 Rounds of 30s work/30s rest: 1a) Side Plank (15s each) 1b)...

09/18/2018Warm-up400 Meter Jog then, 10-8-6-4 Burpees Alt. DB Snatch *10s Elbow Plank after each set.Gymnasticssub-maximal" work means you’ll stop 1-2 reps shy of failure for each set of HSPU and strict pull-ups. Handstand Push-ups (Max reps)Gymnastics Endurance Week #1 1a) Handstand Push-up: 3 x submax (any style). Rest 45s. Rx+:(Strict) Beginner: Box...

09/17/2018Warm-upWith an empty barbell: 3 Rounds of: 2 Muscle Snatch + 2 OHS + 2 Squat Snatch 1 Squat Clean + 1 Jerk 5 RDLs 10 Green Banded Walks Left/Right *Add light weight each set. Rest as needed between movements. This warm-up should take the full 12 minutes.WeightliftingThese EMOM sets do...

09/15/2018Warm-upAbmat Pizza Game. *For every drop complete 8 Wallballs + 8 Abmat Sit-ups Then, Review scaling + technique for Rope ClimbsMetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)In teams of 3 x 5 Rounds of: Max Reps of: Station 1: Wallballs (20, 14) x 60s Station 2: Burpees x 60s Station 3: Rope Climbs x 60s Station...

09/14/2018Warm-up"Powerwalk Relay Races" Coach calls "3-2-1-go," and each "walker" leaves their mark. They "race" down and back and upon return, they high-five the person behind them in line, and that person takes off. Play for 5 minutes Then 400 M Run Warm-up3 Rounds of 5 Air Squats 5...

09/13/2018Warm-upHigh knees up and back Butt kicks up and back Power skips up and back 10 Leg swings front to back 10 Leg swings side to side Spider Man lunge 2 x per leg Green Band Glute Activation Then With a medium weight KB: 10-8-6-4-2 Russian...

09/12/2018Warm-upPVC Game: 1st Drop: 10 Walking Lunges 2nd Drop: 20 Jumping Jacks 3rd Drop: 30 Single Unders 4th Drop: 400 Meter Run Then Power Clean Review and warm up WeightliftingPower Clean (Weight)Power Clean: 6 x 3 @75%, every 90s.MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)4 Rounds of: 60s Wallballs (20/14) 60s Power Cleans (95, 63) 60s Box...

09/11/2018Warm-upGrab Barbells, Boxes, Set-up pull-up scaling, ect. *Perform 5 Reps of each movement and making sure your scaling is on point. *Squat Clean Thruster: Build to desired Metcon weight in 3 sets. Rest 60s. *In between sets set-up remaining equipmentMetcon9/11 (Time)"9/11" For time: 2001m Row 11 Squat Cleans (155, 103) 11 Strict...

09/10/2018Warm-upLight 200m Jog then, Banded Snatch Warm-up + Thoracic Mob – 10 Pass Thru – 10 Around the World – 10 OHS Then, 10 Cook Squats w. OH Reach 10 Thoracic Rotations each side WeightliftingPower Snatch (Weight)Touch n Go Power Snatch Skill Sets: 3 x...

09/08/2018Warm-upathletes perform a bear crawl, moving around the medballs. Once you stop the music they will try to sit on a medball. The person that is left will complete their choice of one of the following exercises to the side (air squats, sit-ups, burpees,...