CrossFit WOD, September 11, 2018

CrossFit WOD, September 11, 2018


Grab Barbells, Boxes, Set-up pull-up scaling, ect.
*Perform 5 Reps of each movement and making sure your scaling is on point.
*Squat Clean Thruster: Build to desired Metcon weight in 3 sets. Rest 60s.
*In between sets set-up remaining equipment

9/11 (Time)
For time:
2001m Row
11 Squat Cleans (155, 103)
11 Strict Pull-ups
11 Thrusters (155, 103)
11 Strict Pull-ups
11 Front Squats (155, 103)
11 S20H (155, 103)
11 Burpee Box Jumps (30, 24)
11 Squat Cleans
11 Strict Pull-ups
2001m Row
*No time Cap