Author: admin

FridayWarm-upWarm-upAMRAP x 7 MINUTES 10 Scap Pull-ups or 5/5 Single DB Upright Row 10 Kips Swings or 10 Single DB Russian Swing 10 V-ups or 10 Tuck-ups 10 Plate Presses or 5/5 DB Strict Press 10 OH Plate Lunges or 10 DB Front Rack Lunges StrengthMetcon3 SETS 20 Banded Lat...

Thursday May 7Warm-upWarm-upPerform 5 Minutes of Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up which will consist of: High Knees Butt Kickers Inside Taps Outside Taps A Skip B Skip Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + Thoracic Rotation + toe point Leg Swing opposite toe to opposite hand Carioca Then, Grab Barbells and complete: 3 Power Clean +...

Wednesday May 6Warm-upWarm-upWith a partner and two light KBS: 100 Meter Farmer Carry (50 meters each) 100 Meter Front Rack Carry (50 meters each) 100 Meter Crossbody Carry (50 meters each) Then grab plates and boxes and complete, 10 Walking OH Lunges (each athlete) 10 Ground to Overhead with a plate...

Tuesday May 5Warm-upMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 8: 5 Yoga Push-ups 10 Hollow Rocks 100 Meter Run Then, Get barbells out and review the Floor Press. *Spend 3 sets warming people. People that are resting are to perform 15 Slow + Controlled Banded Pull-aparts with a supinated grip.StrengthFloor Press (Weight)Close...

Monday May 4Warm-upWarm-upWith a PVC - 10 Pass Thru + 10 Around the Worlds (5 each direction) + 5 Muscle Snatch from hang + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Muscle Snatch from below the knee Then, Grab barbells and complete: 3 Muscle Snatch 6 Front Squats *Add light weight 3 Muscle Snatch 6...

Sunday May 3Warm-upWarm-upEasy 300 meter Run then, Grab jump ropes, DBs, and Barbells, Take athletes through all movements starting with: 30 Single Unders 10 Barbell Split Squats each side 10 DB Neutral Grip Bench Press 10 Hang Muscle Cleans 10 Hang Power Cleans 30s RKC PlankStrengthDB Split Squats (Weight)Use barbell. Rest 30s.DB Bench...

Saturday May 2Warm-upWarm-upPartner up and grab medballs and Kettlebells Complete 2 sets of 10 each person: 20 Wall balls 20 KBS 20 Hand Release Push-up or Box Push-up Scaling 20 T2B or Knee Lifts of Abmat Sit-ups 200 Meter Run (100m each person)MetconMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)With a partner: AMRAP 8: 8...

Friday May 1Warm-upWarm-up3 Minutes of: Minute 1: Single Unders Minute 2: Double Unders or Attempts Minute 3: Triple Under Attempts Then, Grab a barbell and 1 KB and complete: 15 Barbell Rows 10 KB Windmills each side 15 Push Press w. empty bar 10 1-Arm KB Rows each 15 Hang Power Cleans w. empty bar 10...

04/30/2020Workout - HOMESTRENGTH 1a) Gorilla Rows: 4 x 8-10 each. Rest 30s 1b) Contralateral Glute Bridge Floor Press: 4 x 12 each. Rest 30s 2a) Plank Pull Through: 4 x 60s. Rest 30s 2b) DB/KB Overhead Triceps Extensions: 4 x 8-12 each. Rest 30s CONDITIONING For time: 3-6-9-12-15-18 DB Hang Power Snatch each DB...

04/29/2020Workout - HOMESTRENGTH 1a) Dumbbell Sumo Goodmorning 4 x 12-15. Rest 30s 1b) Tall Kneeling Arnold Press 4 x 8-10 each. Rest 30s 2a) Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 6-8 each. Rest 30s 2b) DB Forearm Plank w. Rotation 4 x 10 each. Rest 30s CONDITIONING AMRAP 10: "Comrade Quarantine" 10...