03 May CrossFit WOD, May 4, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Monday May 4
With a PVC
– 10 Pass Thru + 10 Around the Worlds (5 each direction) + 5 Muscle Snatch from hang + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Muscle Snatch from below the knee
Grab barbells and complete:
3 Muscle Snatch
6 Front Squats
*Add light weight
3 Muscle Snatch
6 Front Squats
*Add light weight
3 Power Snatch
6 1 1/4 Front Squats
– 10 Pass Thru + 10 Around the Worlds (5 each direction) + 5 Muscle Snatch from hang + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Muscle Snatch from below the knee
Grab barbells and complete:
3 Muscle Snatch
6 Front Squats
*Add light weight
3 Muscle Snatch
6 Front Squats
*Add light weight
3 Power Snatch
6 1 1/4 Front Squats
Front Squat (Weight)
Power Snatch (Weight)
Fast touch n go reps with desired metcon weight. Rest 60s.
James B (Time)
4 RFT:
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
15 Lateral Burpees
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
15 Lateral Burpees
Rx+:(95, 65)
L3: (65, 45)
L2: (55, 35)
L1: (10 Alt. DB Snatch) (10 Regular Burpees)
9:00 Cap
Cool Down
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls x 5 Minutes Max Reps alternating legs.
At-Home Warm Up
3 Rounds:
3 Single Leg Upward Dog to Standing () each
3 Tempo Push-ups ()
3 Plank Waves () each
6 Overhead Goodmornings ()
3 Single Leg Upward Dog to Standing () each
3 Tempo Push-ups ()
3 Plank Waves () each
6 Overhead Goodmornings ()
At-Home Strength
Pushups (Weight)
Supinated. Rest 30s. ()
Lateral Lunge (Weight)
Perform with DB/KB overhead. Rest 30s.
Band Rows (Weight)
Perform as single-arm, cross-body. Rest 30s.()
Plank (Max reps)
Ipsilateral plank. 4 x 20s each, rest 30s.
At-Home Metcon
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 Single Arm Power Snatch () each
2 alternating Bodyweight Lunges
increase reps of both by 2 each round
2 Single Arm Power Snatch () each
2 alternating Bodyweight Lunges
increase reps of both by 2 each round
At-Home Cool Down
– Worlds Greatest Stretch x30s ()
– Scorpion Stretch x30s ()
– Scorpion Stretch x30s ()
– Build to a 3RM.