02 May CrossFit WOD, May 3, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Sunday May 3
Easy 300 meter Run then,
Grab jump ropes, DBs, and Barbells,
Take athletes through all movements starting with:
30 Single Unders
10 Barbell Split Squats each side
10 DB Neutral Grip Bench Press
10 Hang Muscle Cleans
10 Hang Power Cleans
30s RKC Plank
Grab jump ropes, DBs, and Barbells,
Take athletes through all movements starting with:
30 Single Unders
10 Barbell Split Squats each side
10 DB Neutral Grip Bench Press
10 Hang Muscle Cleans
10 Hang Power Cleans
30s RKC Plank
DB Split Squats (Weight)
Use barbell. Rest 30s.
DB Bench Press with Rotation (Weight)
4 x 8. Rest 60s.
Pronated grip. Rest 30s.
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds of:
300 Meter Run
20 Hang Power Cleans (95, 65)
10 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)
Rest 2:00
*During rest interval complete:
30 Easy Single Unders
15s RKC Plank
300 Meter Run
20 Hang Power Cleans (95, 65)
10 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)
Rest 2:00
*During rest interval complete:
30 Easy Single Unders
15s RKC Plank
L3: (75, 55)
L2: (65, 45) (20, 15)
L1: (200-meter run) (Empty Bar) (20, 15 Alternating Step-ups)
20:00 Cap
At-Home Metcon
20min Walk
At-Home Cool Down
Total body Foam Rolling
Worlds Greatest Stretch x30s ()
Lizard Pose x30s ()
Scorpion Stretch x30s
Prayer Stretch x1:00