26 Oct CrossFit WOD, October 27, 2021
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
25 Burpee Box Get Over (30/24)
40/32 Calorie Assault Bike/ 50/40 Cal Row
50 Abmat situps
20 Bar Muscle-Ups or 40 Chest to Bar or 60 Pull-Ups
50 Abmat situps
40/32 Calorie Assault Bike/ 50/40 Cal Row
25 Burpee Box Get Over 30/24
25 Burpee Box Get Over (30/24)
40/32 Calorie Assault Bike/ 50/40 Cal Row
50 Abmat situps
20 Bar Muscle-Ups or 40 Chest to Bar or 60 Pull-Ups
50 Abmat situps
40/32 Calorie Assault Bike/ 50/40 Cal Row
25 Burpee Box Get Over 30/24
30 Min Cap
Auxillary Work
Curls (Weight)
4 x 10 with barbell
4 x 10 with barbell
Bent Over Row (Weight)
4 x 10 with Barbell
4 x 10 with Barbell
30-sec bike
4 Box Jumps
10-sec hollow hold
5 Scap pullups
5 Kip swings
3 Inch Worms
**2. Workout Prep**
2 Burpee Box Get Overs
20-sec. Calorie Bike (workout pace)
5 Abmat Sit-ups
2 Bar Muscle Ups (CTB Pull Ups or Pull Ups)