CrossFit WOD, October 24, 2022

CrossFit WOD, October 24, 2022

CrossFit – Mon, Oct 24

Warm Up
<p>3 sets:<br />20 Plate Toe Touches<br />5 Up Downs<br />10 PVC Pass Throughs<br />5 PVC Overhead Squats<br />- into -<br />3 sets (Empty Barbell)<br />3 Hang Snatch High Pull<br />3 Hang Muscle Snatch<br />3 Snatch Push Press<br />3 Hang Squat Snatch<br />&nbsp;</p>

Hang Snatch (Build to a heavy 3 RM )
<p>Work up to a 3RM.&nbsp;<br />- The focus should be active hamstrings/lats during the hang while driving through mid-foot and reaching triple extensions before dropping under the bar.<br />- The hang position is anywhere above the knees, completely unbroken.&nbsp;<br />- Try and reach a heavy 3 rep in 5-6 working sets (not including light warm up sets).<br />- Record the heaviest set of 3 as your score for load</p>
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3 Snatch Deadlift x 3 Sets @90% 1RM Snatch)

<p>2 sets:<br />2 Bar Facing Burpees<br />2 Overhead Squats (build in weight)</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>5 Rounds<br />10 Bar Facing Burpees<br />10 Overhead Squats (135/95)</p>