CrossFit WOD, November 17, 2022

CrossFit WOD, November 17, 2022

CrossFit – Thu, Nov 17

Warm Up
<p>3 Minutes on a machine</p><p>Into</p><p>3 sets&nbsp;<br />5 kipping knees raise<br />5 sandbag cleans (light weight – focus on hip extension)<br />20 yd sandbag carry (light weight – focus on good &nbsp;positioning)&nbsp;<br />5 Empty Bar Back Squats (slow and steady)</p>

Back Squat (Weight)
<p>Back Squat:<br />- Establish a 4 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 2-4 reps at 85-90% and 2-4 reps 80-85% of the original 4RM.</p>

<p>With Partner<br />2 sets:<br />3 Synchro Toes to Bar<br />10ft Sandbag Carry (build in weight)</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>Teams of 2<br />5 rounds<br />300ft Sandbag Front Rack carry (150/100) (Or Dumbbell Farmer Carry (100s/70s)<br />15 Synchro Toes to Bar</p><p>15 Min Cap&nbsp;</p>