31 Oct CrossFit WOD, November 1, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Bootcamp 11/1
General Warm Up
600m jog (to HollyDell stop sign), then on your own:
10 shoulder PVS pass throughs
10 PVC overhead squats
10 PVC leg swings each leg
10 rollover to split
30 sec pigeon hold each side
WOD-Specific Warm Up
3 Rounds (For quality):
-10 burpees
-15 V-ups
-10 mountain climbers (1, 1, 2, 2)
-250m row
*Not scored
*Increase intensity by round
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Halloween "Spooky Triplet"
For time
Run 800m (RX+: Run 1 mile)
For time
Row 1000m (RX+: Row 1500m)
For time
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats
• Overall time goals for each section:
1) Run <5:00 (RX+ <8:00)
2) Row <5:00 (RX+ <7:30)
3) Gymnastics 8:00-12:00