CrossFit WOD, May 8, 2023

CrossFit WOD, May 8, 2023

CrossFit – Mon, May 8


1 Round Through
10 yd walk on toes
10 yd walk on toes backward
10 yd walk on heels
10 yd walk feet turned out
10 yd walk feet turned in
10 yd lunge walk with arms locked out in the overhead position
10 yd lunge walk with torso twist towards front leg
10 yd butt kickers
10 yd high knees
Crossover Symmetry Warm-up
Banded 7’s

**2. Workout Prep**
1 set:
50m Run (workout pace)
5 Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
10 Air Squats

Metcon (Time)

For Time:
800m Run
30 Pull-Ups
60 Push-Ups
90 Air Squats
400m Run
20 Pull-Ups
40 Push-Ups
60 Air Squats
200m Run
10 Pull-Ups
20 Push-Ups
30 Air Squats