CrossFit WOD, May 29, 2021

CrossFit WOD, May 29, 2021


Dynamic Warm up with Barbell
High Knees up and back
Butt Kicks up and back
Lateral Shuffle up and back
Power Skips up and back
Then grab barbells and complete:
8 Deadlifts
8 Muscle Cleans
8 Front Squat
8 Push Press
8 Goodmornings
8 Back Squats

Workout Prep
Workout Prep**
3 sets ( add weight each set)
10 sec. Bike (workout pace)
1 Sandbag Clean or Power Clean

Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2

For Time:
100/75 Calorie Assault Bike
40 Sandbag Cleans (150/100) or Power Cleans (185/115)

– rest 5:00 –

For Time:
100/75 Calorie Row
100 Synchro Wall Balls (20/14)

* Split reps as desired *

Snatch (Weight)
– Build to a heavy single in 15 mins
* rest 60 seconds between sets *
Clean and Jerk (Weight)
Clean & Jerk for load:
– Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes
* rest 60 seconds between sets *