CrossFit WOD, May 16, 2019

CrossFit WOD, May 16, 2019


3 Rounds of:
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Sumo Stance Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
5 Back Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg
5 Goodmornings
5 Wide Stance Back Squats
Rest 40-60s, add light weight.
Set-up for Box Squats, Farmer Carries, and High Box Jumps reviewing all movements.

Box Squats (Weight)
1) Wide Stance Box Squat: 6 x 3 @60-70% of Back Squat 1RM, every 60s.
– 15" Parallel Box
2) Warm-up all Metcon Movements

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:
5 High Box Jumps (30, 24)
10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges (185, 123)
100 Ft. Heavy Farmer Carry