18 Mar CrossFit WOD, March 19, 2019
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
EMOM 10:
MINUTE 1: 10-20s L-Sit Hold
MINUTE 2: 20s Chest Facing Wall Handstand Hold
MINUTE 1: 10-20s L-Sit Hold
MINUTE 2: 20s Chest Facing Wall Handstand Hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Each for quality, perfect reps:
5 Rounds of 60s/30s off:
1a) Wall balls (20, 14)
1b) Double Unders
1c) Row
1d) Pull-ups
5 Rounds of 60s/30s off:
1a) Wall balls (20, 14)
1b) Double Unders
1c) Row
1d) Pull-ups
Rx+:(C2B Pull-ups)
Then perform,
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans
10 Burpees
10 Scorpions
3 inchworms with pushup
Then grab medballs,
10 Squat with Med Ball
10 Strict Press with Med Ball
10 Wall Balls