CrossFit WOD, March 18, 2023

CrossFit WOD, March 18, 2023

CrossFit – Sat, Mar 18


3 rounds
1:00 Row
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row (each)
10 Suitcase Dumbbell Deadlifts (each)
5 Tempo Push Ups (3/2/1)
20 Alternating V-Ups

2. Workout Prep
5 sets
3 Deadlifts
3 Bench Press
– Start light and work up in weight. Make sure athletes have a spotter –

Metcon (Time)

Deadlift (255/175)
Bench Press (155/105)
-Rest 5:00-
Deadlift (205/135)
Bench Press (135/95)