CrossFit WOD, June 14, 2022

CrossFit WOD, June 14, 2022


3 Way Banded Shoulder Stretch
3 sets:
30 sec Bike or Row
10 Alternating V-ups
5 Knees to elbows
5 Tempo Bench Press (empty bar – focus on bar path)

Bench Press (Weight)
Bench Press:
3 Tempo Bench Press x 5 sets @65% of 1RM
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second pressing (contraction) portion

* Rest as needed between sets *

Workout Prep
Workout Prep
2 sets:
5 Calorie Bike or Row
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

Metcon (Time)
3 rounds:
30/24 Calorie Bike or 35/30 Cal Row
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

Time Cap 16 Minutes