CrossFit WOD, July 5, 2023

CrossFit WOD, July 5, 2023

CrossFit – Wed, Jul 5


3 sets:
5 Wall Ball Front Squats
5 Wall Ball Push Press
5 Wall Balls
10 Box Step Ups
5 Russian Kettlebell Swings

2. Workout Prep
2 sets:
5 Wall Balls
5 Box Jumps
5 Kettlebell Swings

Metcon (Time)

Wall Balls (20/14)
Box Jump (24/20)
Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Auxiliary Work

3 sets
8-10 Box Pistol Squats (each) (Goal should be to heel in front of the body)

3 sets
6-8 Box Pistol Squats (each) (Touch foot to the ground or keep at 90 degrees)

3 sets
6-8 Dead Stop Step Ups (each) (Goal should be to heel in front of the body)