CrossFit WOD, July 5, 2018

CrossFit WOD, July 5, 2018


High Knees up and back
Butt Kicks up and back
Power Skips up and back
Spider Man Lunge 2 x per leg
Leg Swings 10 front to back 10 to the side
Pigeon Pose 30 seconds per leg
Green Back Glute Activation

Back Squat (Weight)
Back Squat: 5-5-5+, adding weight each set. Rest 2:00.
– Your last set should be challenging. This set of 5 will be an AMRAP set.

Box Jumps (Max reps)
Seated Dynamic Box Jump: 3 x 5. Rest 60s.

Metcon (Time)
4 RFT:
20 DB Man Makers (50, 30)
10 DB Front Squats (50, 30)
200 Meter Run

18 Minute Cap

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Max Burpees in 60s