CrossFit WOD, July 14, 2023

CrossFit WOD, July 14, 2023

CrossFit – Fri, Jul 14


3:00 Machine
3 sets:
10 PVC Pass Throughs
3 Inch Worms + 6 Pike Push-ups
10 Dumbbell RDL’s (each)
3 Deadlifts (empty bar)

Deadlift (5 x 2)

5 sets x 2 Deficit Deadlifts @75% of 1RM

* Rest as needed between sets *

Handstand Push-ups (Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups
5 sets x 40-50% reps of Max Unbroken Reps (SHSPU)
Metcon (Time)

Option 1:
63 Deadlifts (95/65)
45 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
27 Front Squats (95/65)


Option 2:
63 Deadlifts (75/55)
45 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)
27 Overhead Squats (75/55)