CrossFit WOD, February 8, 2021

CrossFit WOD, February 8, 2021

Monday 2/8

Warm Up:
10 min AMRAP
1 min easy Bike
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
4 Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
3 Up downs
3 Elbow to floor Stretch (each side)

Workout Prep**
2 sets (empty bar)
1 Snatch High Pull
1 Muscle Snatch
1 Power Snatch
2 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Clean High Pull
1 Muscle Clean + Shoulder Press
1 Clean and Jerk

– After 2 sets allow athletes to warm up to workout weight

Push Jerk x 1 Split Jerk x1 (7 x 1)
Every 90 Sec for 7 Sets
all Sets at 75-80% of your Split Jerk

Grettle Ingrid (Time)
10 Rounds
3 Power Snatches (115/75)
3 Burpees over bar
3 Power Clean and Jerks (115/75)
3 Burpees over bar

15 Min Time Cap