25 Feb CrossFit WOD, February 26, 2021
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Back Squat (Weight)
8 @ 50%
6 @ 60 %
4 @ 70%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 90%
Max Reps @ 75%
6 @ 60 %
4 @ 70%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 90%
Max Reps @ 75%
Metcon (Time)
Every 2 minutes (10 sets)
18 Wall Balls (20/14)
36 Double Unders
18 Wall Balls (20/14)
36 Double Unders
Slowest Round is Your Score
Auxillary Work
5 sets
5. Negative Handstand Push Ups
* Kick and perform the descent as slow and controlled as possible (have abmat under head), once at the bottom kip back up and repeat. If unable to kip back up start over and kick the body back up. Scale to dumbbell dumbbells over head with a slow controlled descent
5. Negative Handstand Push Ups
* Kick and perform the descent as slow and controlled as possible (have abmat under head), once at the bottom kip back up and repeat. If unable to kip back up start over and kick the body back up. Scale to dumbbell dumbbells over head with a slow controlled descent
30 sec jump rope (singles or doubles)
5 air squat + step back lunge left + step back lunge right
5 wallball push press against wall (focus on cycling the arms between reps)
5 bird dogs (each side)