CrossFit WOD, February 24, 2020

CrossFit WOD, February 24, 2020

Monday February 24

Warm Up 1
5 RDLs
5 Sumo Stance RDLs
5 Front Squats
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg
5 Goodmornings
5 Bent-over Rows
Rest 40-60s, add light weight.

Power Clean x2 Front Squat x2 Split Jerk x1 (Weight)
Every 2 Minutes for 6 sets at between 70-80 % of your Clean and Jerk
Power Clean x2 Front Squat x2 Split Jerk x1 (Weight)
Every 2 Minutes for 6 sets at between 70-80 % of your Clean and Jerk

BP Benchmark #5 (Time)
For time:
30 Front Squats (155, 105)
45 Bar Facing Burpees

Rx+:(185, 125)
L3: (135, 95)
L2: (115, 75)
L1: (53, 35 – Goblet Squat) (Regular Burpees)
8:00 Time Cap

Metcon (Time)
RX+ Additional Metcon

Rest 10:00 after "BP Benchmark #5"
For time:
30 Power Cleans (185, 125)
45 Bar Facing Burpees

Extra Credit
Banded Goodmornings: 4 x 15. Rest 60s.
*Between sets complete 10 Hollow Rocks