01 Feb CrossFit WOD, February 2, 2020
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Sunday February 2
Perform as superset
Romanian Deadlift (Weight)
4 x 8 @challenging load. No rest.
DB Bench Press with Rotation (Weight)
4 x 8. Rest 60s.
AMRAP 12 for quality:
100 Ft. Farmer Carry – AHAP
15 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
100 Ft. Farmer Carry – AHAP
15 Goblet Squats (53, 35)
100 Ft. Farmer Carry – AHAP
15 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
100 Ft. Farmer Carry – AHAP
15 Goblet Squats (53, 35)
Rest as needed btw rounds
Rx+:(Use Farmer Handles for Carries) (70, 53)
Extra Credit
Banded Pull-throughs: 3 x 30. Rest 60s.
– Global Foam Rolling Lateral Hip x 60s each
– Active Straight Leg Raises x 60s each
– Parasympathetic Breathing – 20 breaths x 3
– Global Foam Rolling Lateral Hip x 60s each
– Active Straight Leg Raises x 60s each
– Parasympathetic Breathing – 20 breaths x 3
With a barbell + foam roller + heavy band
2 Rounds of:
6 Romanian Deadlifts
6 Front Squats
6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
X-Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction
Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each
5 Rollover + Split Stretch
10 Lateral Squats
10 Bird Dogs with a 3 count glute contraction on each rep (10 total reps)
Review + Warm-up