10 Feb CrossFit WOD, February 11, 2019
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
2019-02-10 20:00:00.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Africa/Abidjan
current: DateTime Object
[date] => 2019-02-11 00:04:00.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC
diff: DateInterval Object
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[m] => 0
[d] => 0
[h] => 4
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[weekday] => 0
[weekday_behavior] => 0
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Back Squat (1 x 5)
Back Squat: Take 20 Minutes to buid to a 5RM. Rest 2:00-3:00 once you get heavy
Deadlift (Weight)
Touch n Go Deadlift: 3 x 3, building to Metcon weight. Rest 90s.
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 10:
ODD Minutes: 10 Deadlifts (225, 155)
EVEN Minutes: 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rx+:(12 Reps of each Movement/Same loading)
ODD Minutes: 10 Deadlifts (225, 155)
EVEN Minutes: 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rx+:(12 Reps of each Movement/Same loading)
***If you performed the movements and used the Rx weight. Put your deadlift weight in as your score and click Rx or Rx+ if you did the extra reps
Auxillary Work
100 Glute Bridges
2 Rounds of:
10 Cook Squats w. OH Reach
10 Reverse Lunges (each)
10 Banded Goodmornings (squeeze glutes at top for a 1 ct)
2 Rounds of:
8 Bent-over rows
8 RDLs
8 Front Squats
8 Back Squats
8 Goodmornings
Rest 60-90s + add light weight.