CrossFit WOD, December 9, 2021

CrossFit WOD, December 9, 2021


7 min AMRAP
30 second Row
5 Kettlebell Russian Swings (eye level)
30-second Bike
5 GHD’s to parallel or 10 Alternating V-Ups


3 sets
45-second Assault/Echo Bike
– rest 1:00 –

Workout Prep
Workout Prep**
15 second Assault Bike
5 Kettlebell Swings
5 GHD’s or V-Ups

Every Minute (4 rounds)
Min 1: 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike or Echo Bike
Min 2: 15 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1)
Min 3: 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike or Echo Bike
Min 4: 15 GHD’s or V-Ups
Min 5: 12/10 Calorie Assault Bike or Echo Bike
Min 6: Rest 1:00
* 66/60 reps total each set *

Auxillary Work
3 sets
14 Barbell Front Rack Step Ups (7/7)

* This is for quality, not for load! Lightfoot touch on the way down.