CrossFit WOD, December 7, 2021

CrossFit WOD, December 7, 2021


5 rounds
(5 max burpee penalty)
– into –
3 Sets
5 Slow and Controlled Banded Back Squats (empty bar/ add weight)
10 Dead Bugs

Back Squat (Weight)
Back Squat:
– Establish an 8 RM for the day.
Then, perform a drop set of 8-10 reps at 90% and
8-10 reps 80% of the original 8RM.

Try and reach a heavy 8 rep in 4-5 working sets (not including light warm up set). For working sets we want to hit a few lifts of 5-6 reps and save the 8 rep for the final attempt.

Workout Prep
Workout Prep**
1 set
5 Calorie Row (workout pace)
100m Run (workout Pace)
5 Calorie Row

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Sets (1 Set every 6 Minutes)
25/20 Calorie Row
300m Run
25/20 Calorie Row