CrossFit WOD, August 22, 2022

CrossFit WOD, August 22, 2022

CrossFit – Mon, Aug 22

Warm Up
<p>3 sets:<br />5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts<br />5 Muscle Snatch<br />5 Snatch Push Press<br />5 Overhead Squats<br />5 Squat Snatch<br />* perform with a PVC pipe or empty bar *</p>

Snatch (2 Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat (@70% of 1RM) x 5 sets
* Complete a set every 2 Min )
<p>Set is completed by 2 single squat snatches, and at the top of the second snatch, athletes will transition into 1 overhead squat<br />- Focus on consistency in the landing position with a tall, stable torso and active shoulders.</p>
Warm Up
<p>3 sets:<br />5 Sandball Squats (build in weight)<br />10 Double Unders</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>3 rounds<br />30 Sandball&nbsp; or Goblet Squats (50/30)<br />90 Double Unders</p><p>Time cap 12 Min&nbsp;</p><p> </p>