CrossFit WOD, August 14, 2023

CrossFit WOD, August 14, 2023

CrossFit – Mon, Aug 14


3 sets:
5 Single Arm Ring Rows (each side)
5 Front Squats (empty bar)
5 Shoulder Press
30-second Knee Plank
5 Burpees

Workout Prep

Workout Prep
2 sets:
3 Thrusters (build in weight)
2 Burpee over Bar
3 Chest to Bar

Metcon (Time)

Thrusters (95/65)
Burpee Over Bar
Chest to Bar

Time Cap 15 min

Auxiliary Work

Toes to Bar:
Week 2, Day 1

5 sets (10:00)
8-10 Kip Swings
5-8 Strict Toes to Bar

5 sets (10:00)
6-8 Kip Swings
5-8 Strict Knee Raise + Extension

5 sets (10:00)
5 Kip Swings (Stand on tiptoes if needed)
5-8 Strict Hanging Knee Raise

Alternative Option:
5 sets (10:00)
10 Weighted Sit Ups
30-second Plank Hold (elbows)