CrossFit WOD, April 9, 2019

CrossFit WOD, April 9, 2019


At an easy pace,
25/20 Calorie Row (or 200 Meter Run)

Then grab a barbell, a box, and a band:
10 Push Press
10 Bent-over Row (pronated grip)
10 Alternate Step-ups (unweighted)
30 Banded pull-aparts (pronated)
8 Push Press
8 Rows (Supinated Grip)
8 Alt. Step-ups (this set grab DBs)
20 Banded pull-aparts (supinated)
On coaches Call x 3 sets of 2.
Split Jerks

Split Jerk (Weight)
1) Split Jerk: 5 x 3 @75-80% of 1Rep , every 90s.
– reset on each rep.
2) Metcon Warm-up
– Strict C2B + Step-ups
Split Jerk (Weight)
1) Split Jerk: 5 x 3 @75-80% of 1Rep , every 90s.
– reset on each rep.
2) Metcon Warm-up
– Strict C2B + Step-ups

Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds of:
8/5 Strict C2B Pull-ups
20 DB Alt. Step-ups (35, 25) (20 in box ) (Total Reps)
25/20 Calorie Row
Rest 1:1

25 Min Time Cap

Auxillary Work
Banded Back Complex:
50 Pulldowns
50 Banded Facepull-aparts
50 Banded pull-aparts (supinated grip)
*Goal to do all 150 reps with minimal rest