03 Apr CrossFit WOD, April 4, 2021
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Easter Bootcamp
400m run
5 walk out planks, 2 push ups
10 mountain climbers
1 min plank hold
Metcon (Time)
800m run (Rx+ = 1 mile)
75 sit ups
400m med ball run
75 hollow rocks
800m run (Rx+ = 1 mile)
75 sit ups
400m med ball run
75 hollow rocks
75 sit ups
400m med ball run
75 hollow rocks
800m run (Rx+ = 1 mile)
75 sit ups
400m med ball run
75 hollow rocks
(At home option:
No med ball? Double the running distance. Just working back into running? Decrease each running distance by 200m)