CrossFit WOD, April 1, 2022

CrossFit WOD, April 1, 2022


8 min AMRAP
10-sec handstand hold
3-inch worms
5 alt. V-ups (each side)
5 Knees to Elbows
3 Sandbag Cleans (light and focus on form)

**2. Skill Work**
2 sets
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC Shoulder Press
10 PVC Overhead Squats

Workout Prep
2 set (with partner)
1 Synchro Wall Walk
4 Synchro Toes to Bar
1 Sandbag Clean (Each)
Rest 30 Seconds

Snatch Push Press+ Snatch Balance (Weight)
10-15 Minutes of Practice
– Stay light and focus on form

Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
AMRAP 3 Minutes
3 Synchro Wall Walks
12 Synchro Toes to Bar
Max Reps Sandbag Cleans (150/100) (OR Power Cleans 185/125)
-Rest 1 Minute between sets-
*Complete sets until you get to 50 Sandbag Cleans combined