CrossFit WOD, September 29, 2021

CrossFit WOD, September 29, 2021

We are on our off last week of strength. The new cycle begins on October 4th.

7 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (empty bar – build across)
3 World’s Greatest Stretch (each side)
3 Up Downs

Goblet Squat (4 x 12)
Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps 4×12

Perform 1 and a half reps by squatting below parallel, raise to above parallel, return below parallel, and then stand. Do not bounce out of the bottom of any reps.

Workout Prep
Workout Prep**
1 set
3 Power Cleans (workout weight)
6 Air Squats

Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100 Power Cleans (115/83)
* Every minute 12 Air Squats (Start with air squats)
10 + Reps per minute is the goal.

Time Cap 18 Minutes