16 Sep CrossFit WOD, September 17, 2019
Posted at 20:00h
in Work out of the day
Floor Press (Weight)
1a) Close Grip Floor Press: 4 x 5. No rest.
1b) DB Hammer Curls: 4 x 10. Rest 60s.
1b) DB Hammer Curls: 4 x 10. Rest 60s.
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
750 Meter Row
25 Ft. Handstand Walk
25 T2B
25 Min Cap
750 Meter Row
25 Ft. Handstand Walk
25 T2B
25 Min Cap
1 Minute Max Reps Banded Triceps Pushdowns
Then Grab a partner
Row 750 Meters at a slow pace – denote your time
*Split people into two groups – 1/2 group works on T2B Skill while the other half rows 750 meters at a slow pace.